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Giovanna Torres Reyes

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Enviado (11/09/2012) - Enviado por giovanna22
La Perra
Aullo, Aullo, then I lick the wounds that la patada left me.
It doesn’t hurt that much, not really…
He is my master, he is good to me, he loves me.
I know because he said so.
Long ago it was…
Long ago he used to take care of me.
He used to pet me tenderly.
Long ago he would take me to see places.
He was proud of me, but that was long ago.
Knives cut my stomach, as I try to get up and walk.
My eyes are blurry now. I can’t see straight.
A week…
Has it been a week since he last fed me?...
Pain fills my insides…
But he loves me, I know he does…
I must have done something really terrible for him to be this mad.
I must be a good girl.
I sit patiently…
I wait for him with my pretty face…
There he is, my master…
Joy fills my heart…
I am la perra…
That’s what he call...
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